воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

beastie boys - paul revere

I will give a rundown of last weekend and then go on to more recent stuff.

Marlee came back on Thursday. I went to her house right after school. We watched Evan Almighty and then I left because it was Rashsha*(fl$sdfk aka that jewish holiday so she ate dinner with her family and I was home. Then we met up later and watched The Office. I remember it being a great episode. The next day after school I met up with Marlee, Caitlin, and Rebecca at the soccer game. Marlee and I then ate some pizza and then watched the homecoming football game. It was one of my first football games and it was pretty fun. She caught up with a lot of people and it was nice to see everyone again. We left early and went back to my house for a while. The next day we went to the Apple Festival and ate some sweet food. I made a reference to Craig knocking over a baby while playing volleyball at someoneapos;s graduation party and then we saw him there We talked with him for a while and budged this huge line to get apple fritters. From there we went back to Marleeapos;s house and went in her hot tub. From there we wanted to go see a movie so we were going to see Nick Norahapos;s Infinite Playlist in Cortland but I had to go to the bathroom and I was in there for a while so we would have been late to that movie so instead we went to Carousel. The movie was pretty good. It was like Juno but better. It is a very good date movie. After that we ate some Chinese food and went back to her house and hung out for the rest of the night. On Sunday we hiked up Song Mountain. It was really nice. We then went back to my house and my mom made us dinner. Then we went to the movie store and then I wanted to go for a drive so I drove around 8 minutes up Truxton Hill. We rented Into The Wild and it was a great film. A little lengthy but I enjoyed it. Monday we hung out for a while and then went to half priced sushi night in Armory Square in downtown. Then we went back to her house for around an hour, hung out, said our goodbyes, and then I left. It wasnapos;t as hard to say goodbye as it was the first time.

This weekend has been alright. Friday night I didnapos;t really do anything. At all. Saturday I worked with Jerry. Jerry is the most random guy ever and made work not so bad. After work I got some pizza and went to the soccer game. I sat with Caitlin and Cody and chatted it up with them. They sort of invited me to this foreign exchange studentapos;s party tonight. I thought about it and I didnapos;t have anything else to do so I decided I would go. Well, that was a bad choice. It was in the middle of no where in Otisco and it was not fun at all. There were a lot of kids that are two years younger than me there. There was a bunch of kids my age there but no one who I felt the need to talk to. I spent around 45 minutes there and then I left. As I was leaving Jeff and Jordan just got there but I didnapos;t really care. I donapos;t think it was worth it, I was already pissed off and disappointed. That party made me realize how alone I am in Tully. Even moreso than before. Having someone you really care about 500 miles away only accounts for so much. Today Iapos;ve really been missing Marlee. I guess its just one of those days. Tonight I am going to the annual sing along show but Iapos;m not really looking forward to it for some odd reason. I think I am just feeling lonely. Weapos;ll see what happens, hopefully that show will put me in a good mood.

Other than feeling alone, things have been wonderful.
beastie boys - paul revere, beastie boys, beastie boy's, beastie boy you gotta fight.

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