воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

fantacy island ingoldmells

I remember seeing this video years ago and crying.
To this day it still makes me cry.
I have never been so emotionally affected by a music video.

One more thing:
Iapos;m depressed that I canapos;t spend the day with Michelle tomorrow, as we had planned last night. We were gonna go to Fisher Farm Park, with the river and the pretty waterfall. We couldnapos;t go today because she was with her boyfriend. Iapos;m sure sheapos;ll be alright though, sheapos;ll probably go four-wheeling with her little sister. I canapos;t go, because Iapos;m a horrible person.
I completely forgot that Monday was my cool grandmaapos;s birthday, ya know, the one whoapos;s my hero and all?
Yeah, weapos;re going to Smith Mountain for her 70th birthday party.
Happy Birthday Granny Juanita I love you In the oh-so-elegant words of Sexy Cousin Timmy: If only I could be as foxy as you.

fantacy island ingoldmells, fantacy island, fantacy football telegraph, fantacy football league.

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