суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

evolution lancer 9

Sooooo, I think itapos;s past time for me to have a real LJ�post.

I am sooooo tired. I have out writing on hold and I barely have time to sit down and read books anymore because of school, after-school stuff, work, papers and all these damn TV shows Jeez, they just grow out of thin air, seriously. N___n;

School has been... Interesting. I really hate going everyday. If I could work 24 hours a day all week instead of going?�I mean, I think I would end up enjoying that more than school. Iapos;ve just completely lost any drive for it. Same with writing. Same with drawing. Same with reading, too, I just want to do nothing when I do have free time.

Iapos;m so blah.

Family life has been up and down as per usual, but everything is very tense in this house and in every other house that my family occupies... Except for one. But theyapos;re perpetually happy anyway. The main problem right now?�My brother. MAJORLY. He totally caused me to have a breakdown last night. He is making this particular time of year much worse than any of us need it to be. But I donapos;t want to go into it, because Iapos;d rather pretend it isnapos;t happening.

If you couldnapos;t tell?�Work is amazing. I love it and I love the people there hearts; I have never felt more at home out here than I do right now at my workplace, weapos;re like one huge family, always bickering and joking around... And of course we actually fight quite a bit, but working for eight hours with moody people tends to make one moody as well, I think... So this has been a very good thing for me, definitely.

But I really need to start picking up on all this reading and writing and stuff -- I donapos;t want to be losing interest in these things I think Iapos;m just so tired and depressed over family and friend shit still, I have no drive.

Got to get it back. ;)
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